5 Tips to Control Your Indoor Air Quality

The world is struggling to deal with the constant epidemic. Lockdowns around the world aid in improving air quality in the outdoors. However, it is not directly related to indoor pollution; according to research that the quality of your indoor air may be more polluted than the outdoor air. So, it is important to consider some strategies to control indoor air quality. Below are some suggestions you can apply. Find out more.

1. Ventilation is a must

If you would like to make sure you’re breathing clean air, then you should have proper ventilation in your house. Ideally, you should have a couple of windows open to allow a healthy circulation of air. Also, you should have exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to remove the airborne odors.

2. Do not smoke.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is another significant cause of air pollution in your home. Smoking cigarettes release a large amount of harmful breathable dust into your air. So, the air you breathe could be contaminated for you and others living in your house.

Thus, you must have a designated area at home where you can smoke. The rest of your areas must be designated as no-smoking zones. But, it’s wiser to quit smoking cigarettes.

3. Baby Steps are Important

Even if you just take one small step, such as installing microfiber doormats will significantly enhance the air quality inside your home. Additionally, it’s recommended to remove your shoes before anyone enters your home. You can also request your friends, family members, and family members to remove their shoes prior to entering your home.

4. Filters to help the rescue

We aren’t discussing Instagram as well as Snapchat filters. It is crucial to replace the filters in your HVAC system frequently. The issue with filters is they tend to hold in pollutants and then get blocked after a few months. This means that the filter doesn’t operate effectively.

It is also possible to test pre-filters in the event that you have an HVAC system installed at your house. They can tackle the issue of indoor air pollution for you. Another option is to get the cabin filter in your car.

5. Keep it natural

If possible, you could prefer to avoid artificial scents. Also, scents like laundry detergents, deodorants, and air fresheners create airborne particles that are known in the form of volatile organic compounds. They could affect the air quality in your home.

In addition, they could increase the quality of air in your home even more sensible. In the end, you might be affected by different kinds of illnesses. Therefore, it is recommended to keep your scent natural since you’ll be used to the smell of nature. All it comes down to your individual tastes, however.

In the end, if you follow these five tips, clean your indoor air considerably. All you have to do is alter your routine so that you are breathing clean air. It is hoped that you will take these steps and clean your air inside to guard your health against a variety of ailments.