2 Simple Methods to Disinfect Drinking Water

In the event of an emergency, it is essential to immediately take action. We all consume water on a regular basis and can’t survive without water. Therefore, having a steady supply of safe drinking water is crucial. If you consume water that has been disinfected, then you expose your body to lots of pathogens. Here, you are going to learn how to clean water during the event of an emergency.

Water is essential to wash dishes and cook meals in the kitchen. This is why you must adhere to the steps below to ensure you have water that is safe to make use of.

Search for a source of water

It’s crucial to find adequate sources of water. For instance, you could visit lakes, wetlands, reservoirs and tributaries, to mention some. If you are able to afford the expense, you could have an individual well dug within your home. The well will supply you with plenty of water every day.

Below are a few rules to help identify the most reliable sources of water that can provide your daily requirements:

The flow of water is far better than stagnant or stale water
It is recommended to stay clear of water that is dark in colour.
It’s best to avoid the water that has an odd odour.
It is better to stay clear of the water with something floating over its surface.

Boil water to disinfect it

As per the WHO According to the WHO, if you wish to kill protozoa and pathogens, bacteria, and viruses, All you have to be doing is heat the water that you intend to utilize. Here are the steps to follow:

1. If your water is cloudy, wait for it to settle for a few minutes and then filter it with the use of a coffee filter, a paper towel, and a new area of the cloth.

2. Bring the water to a boil for a couple of minutes while keeping a lid on the container. The reason to keep the container in place is to stop water from escaping. If you live at an altitude greater than 5500 feet, you have to heat the water for a minimum of three minutes.

3. Finally, put the water in the container and cover it.

The Bleach Method

Suppose you aren’t able to follow the method previously used by using an item that contains chlorine bleach to disinfect and sanitize. It is important to ensure that the ingredients have a minimum of 6% sodium hypochlorite. It’s not recommended to test scented or colour-safe bleach that contains cleaning agents. Here are the essentials you’ll need and the steps you must take.

A dropper
Chlorine bleach which contains 6% sodium hypochlorite

The steps to follow:

1. If the water seems cloudy, allow it to sit for a few minutes and then filter it using a piece of paper towel or cloth.

2. After that, you should make sure to add just a couple of drops of bleach into the water. As a rule of thumb, it is possible to add six drops of bleach for a gallon. But, you must add more in the event that the water is dark, cloudy and cold.

3. After you have added the bleach, it is recommended to stir the container before letting it rest for at least 30 minutes.

4. If the chlorine’s taste is not enough, You can transfer the water into another container and allow it to sit for a few hours.

These are two easy methods of cleaning water within only a few minutes or even hours. We hope this helps.