Best Security Bars for Basement Windows + How to Install Guide

Home security is an important concern for utmost families and one of the stylish ways to help ameliorate it’s to install security bars on your basement windows. There are several important factors to consider when choosing security bars

1) Visible interference
2) Hard to tamper with

3) Hard to burn, bend, or cut
4) Not a fire hazard


Visible interference

Security bars are most effective when they act as a visual interference that discourages stealers from indeed trying to break in. Having a sturdy appearance and design is a big part of this visual cue but material can also be important. sword and aluminum bars appear stronger and harder to cut through or tamper with so they tend to have a stronger visual impact than poly carbonate bars.



Simply having security bars isn’t always enough. In these situations you want to make sure the bars you choose will be as delicate as possible to remove or bypass. In this regard, bars that are installed collectively and on the inside of the window are more delicate to tamper with.

The stylish option is to go to a machine shop and have custom bars created to fit your window. This is a more precious option but it’ll give the loftiest position of security.

Burning, Bending, and Cutting


The easiest way of bypassing security bars is to cut or burn through them. Flash back that the pincher is trying to avoid discovery and anything likely to be noticed by people passing in is a great interference. Because of this, the stylish bars are those that will attract attention when tampered with.
Steel bars can be cut with a hacksaw but the process is noisy. Poly carbonate bars, still, are quieter to cut through but the process takes longer as they can not be cut in one place and also bent out of the way as essence bars can. Aluminum bars, like sword, are noisy to cut but softer and thus take lower time.

A new practice for burglars is to burn their way through the bars. Butane lighters will weaken poly carbonate bars but sword and aluminum bars will stand up to advanced situations of heat and will only give under a blowtorch. Burning their way through security bars is a ripe and time consuming process and is only likely to be accepted in situations where they’re fairly certain they won’t be disturbed.

Fire Safety


To meet fire safety canons in utmost places, at least one window in the basement must have an easy way to remove the bars from the inside without the need for a key. Check your original fire canons and make sure to use bars with release handles in at least one window.



Installation of security bars is a fairly simply design suitable for a DIY freshman. Once you have chosen your security bars, follow these way or consult the installation primer forpre-fabricated sets.
1) Measure the window and decide where the bars will go.

2) Place your bars against the window frame and mark where your screws will go with a pencil.
3) Drill airman holes for your screws.

4) When installing the bars, insure the screws go all the way into the frame to help tampering.