5 Cities That Are Taking Steps to Reduce Air Pollution

According to the World Health Organization, 90 percent of people around the globe are exposed to pollution-laden air on a daily basis. While there are many sources of pollution in the air, the most frequent sources are transportation, power plants, the burning of crops, and many others. These processes create lots of airborne pollutants that put the lives of humans at risk. According to research, every year, approximately 7 million deaths are prematurely attributed because of chest cancers, lung cancers, and strokes, just to name just a few.

A number of cities are trying to cut down on air pollution in significant ways. For instance, they are seeking to cut emissions by placing a stop on vehicles powered by fuel. Here is a list of five cities making great efforts to improve the quality of air.

1. Paris, France

In Paris the city, the authorities have prohibited the entry of cars. In certain areas, vehicles are banned, and roads have been made for pedestrians and trees. Because of the covid-19 pandemic, an impressive decrease in Nitrogen dioxide levels has been observed. This pollutant is created by motor vehicles. In addition, Nitrogen dioxide is the cause of many respiratory ailments.

Additionally, the city has also made more investments in its bike track. The mayor of Paris would like to alter the city’s infrastructure so that only walkers be able to access the city. They are working to create arrangements to allow everyone to have access to all the facilities after having worked for 15 minutes or more.

2. Seoul, Republic of Korea

Seoul has launched strong campaigns to combat pollution from the air. These campaigns have created Korea well-known throughout the world. They use 5G-enabled robots to search all the industrial areas to assess the quality of air. In addition, the satellite system offers live air quality information in real-time for the public.

Additionally, city officials have devised plans to create a “wind pathway for forests” located in Korea. The Republic of Korea. They have planted trees along rivers and roads to bring fresh air into the city’s center.

3. New York City, United States of America

According to reports, New York City is taking steps to be green. To improve air quality, the city has declared a funding amount of $1.4 to establish renewable energy projects like wind farms and solar power plants. This program will supply enough energy to power more than 400,000 homes.

In actual fact, it’s the largest approved project to invest in renewable energy. The project is expected to be completed by the year 2022.

4. Bogota, Colombia

As a result of the covid-19 lockdown on air pollution, it has decreased significantly in Bogota. According to news reports, Bogota has taken on many initiatives in cleansing the transport sector for the better. The government believes the majority of air pollution comes from automobiles.

5. Accra, Ghana

Accra was the very first African city to take an active part in the BreatheLife campaign. The campaign was launched by World Health Organisation, the Climate & Clean Air Coalition, World Bank, and UN Environment Programme.

In short, it was an overview of the cities and countries that are taking big steps to purify the air.