Let's Bust 4 Myths About Air Pollution

While a lot of scientific research has been conducted, the general public isn’t able to think they are serious in regards to pollution in the air. The big question is the reason why no one has paid attention to the issue of pollution. One of the major reasons is the lack of awareness of politics. Additionally, some myths can also hinder this manner. In this article, we’re going to debunk four misconceptions about air pollution. Check out the article to learn more.

1. The Surgical Masks Are Enough

Nowadays, a lot of people are wearing surgical masks to guard themselves against covid-19. But the issue is that these masks don’t provide complete protection. The size of the pore that a surgeon’s mask has ranged between 5-10 micrometers.

However, the amount of pollutants is about 2.5 micrometers. Additionally, these masks do not protect your mouth and nose correctly. So, pollutants can enter your mouth and nose because of gaps. But that doesn’t mean you have to remove your surgical mask. It is nevertheless better than wearing any other mask.

In the ideal situation, experts recommend purchasing the N95-type mask. While wearing the mask isn’t an answer, it’s one of the most effective preventive actions you can adopt.

2. Electric Vehicles don’t cause Air Pollution

Another falsehood about pollutant pollution. Nowadays, charging stations draw power from thermal power stations that are installed outside of cities. The power plants make use of fossil fuels to create electricity. So, if you believe that electric vehicles don’t cause pollution to the atmosphere, you’ll need to rethink your thinking.

Additionally, because the batteries of EV cars are heavier and more powerful, they cause your car’s tires to wear out and tear more quickly. This wear and tear could result in large amounts of particulate matter, which can be harmful to the environment. But, the emission levels can be controlled through Regenerative braking.

3. The indoors are a great place to be from air Pollution

If you think that you’re protected inside your home, then you’re wrong. Based on the US Environmental Protection Agency, the level of pollution in your home is greater than that outside. Inside your home, there are many sources of air pollution, including building materials such as mold dost use, the use of deodorants, and cooking, to mention just a few.

In certain areas, the quality of indoor air may be slightly higher than the outdoor air quality. However, this doesn’t suggest that you can’t take steps to improve the air quality in your home. We are aware of the fact that volatile organic substances and carbon dioxide could cause harm to your health.

4. A short-term exposure to air pollution isn’t a problem

Because of long-term exposure to air pollution, you can be afflicted with a number of health problems. But that does not mean that exposure to pollution from the air can’t be damaging to your wellbeing. Even if you are exposed to polluted air for just a couple of days, you’ll have a 10% likelihood of developing asthma.

In certain instances, only a few minutes of constant exposure to radiation can result in premature death. So, it is possible to reconsider your decision regarding exposure to pollution from the air.

In short, it is time to abandon these practices and alter your attitude regarding air pollution.