3 Reasons to Love Glass Stairs
Glass staircases and glazed side panels have been very popular in recent years. Homeowners are looking for creative ways to maximize the space they have, as new-build homes seem to be smaller and more expensive.

There are many benefits to using glass in your stair banisters instead of metal or wood.


The hallway is often the darkest area of the house and is not ideal for making a first impression. Traditional staircase balustrades, which are handrail and base rails joined by wooden or metal spindles (also known as balusters), can add to the darkness by blocking natural light. Glass panels can be used as the infill for the banister. This will instantly brighten up the room and allow more light to flow.


It is amazing how glass can make a space feel larger. Transparent balustrades create a sense of more space by removing any visual barriers. Clear panels make it less noticeable in rooms with staircases.


Interior designers are embracing glass as a popular choice. It is suitable for almost all ages of properties. Glass can enhance the appearance and feel of modern houses, updating their contemporary appeal and making them more modern. Glass can add a unique touch to an older home. For example, a dark cottage with small windows and beamed ceilings can be made brighter by replacing the solid wooden balusters in it with light-enhancing glasses panels.

Which glass type should you choose?

Glass panels of good quality should be at least 8mm thick and preferably 10mm thick. Larger single panels are more impactful and allow for maximum light flow. They are usually made-to-measure, so expect to take a little longer to get the right size and to pay more than standard sizes. It can be difficult to install, so it is better to leave this job to professionals. Although smaller panels can be more visible, they are often easier to install and offer greater flexibility. If desired, they can be combined with metal or wooden spindles.

How does the glass fit?

Depending on your staircase design and personal preference, you can choose to attach the panels to the balustrade using metal clamps (either at either the top or bottom) or slot them into the grooves in the base rail and handrail. Sometimes, the panels can be attached to the handrail without a base rail so that the glass hangs just above the steps. The panels can be fitted directly into wooden banisters for a cleaner look. However, some prefer to use brackets or metal clamps that have a contemporary appearance. They are usually available in a chrome or polished nickel finish. If you are looking for a striking design, stainless steel discs can be used.

Which handrail should you choose?

The most popular and most comfortable handrails made of wood are wooden. A narrower, more modern style (small and slim) will give the best results, while a larger, more traditional design might be better suited for older properties. For a modern look, metal handrails can be used with glass. They can be attached using brackets and grooves.

What about other glass parts for stairways?

Both risers and treads can be made in glass. Treads are available in various thicknesses, typically between 20mm to 40mm. Glass should be laminated and toughened for added strength. Glass risers are also becoming more popular. These can be attached to glazed treads or, more unusually, to wooden ones. This will create the WOW factor by letting light shine through the stairs while still maintaining the safety features of a closed tread staircase.


Glass stairs can create a bright and airy feeling in your home. They are also available in a variety of sizes and shapes, so you’re sure to find the right one for your needs. After installation, smudges or fingerprints can ruin the effect of your beautiful new staircase.