How to Avoid Home Improvement Fraud

There are many general contractors available for home construction. It is important to research and ask questions to find the most reputable contractors. Then, you can choose the contractor who has the expertise in your field. If you are looking for a roofing contractor to replace your roof, it is better to hire one licensed than one who is a home remodeler. It is possible for a contractor to specialize in one type of project, even though their job description may not be clear. You want a contractor that focuses on roofing repair and replacement.

Contractor scams are a major problem in the home-building industry. Because they are so common, it is important to be aware of these home improvement scams. If homeowners fall for these scams, they can easily cost them thousands of dollars. With the right attitude and knowledge, you can avoid falling for home-improvement scams. Continue reading for important information on how to identify these types of scams and protect yourself against fraudulent loans. You will also learn who to contact if you have had a bad experience dealing with an unscrupulous contractor.

Signs that a contractor is trying to scam you:

– They knock on doors and offer their services.

– They will come to you and offer discounts for referring clients.

– They say they are able to offer you a deal because they have surplus materials from another job.

They pressure you to make an immediate decision or give ultimatums.

They accept only cash payments, and/or they will ask you to pay all fees upfront.

They can refer you to a lender.

– They will tell you to obtain the necessary building permits for the work.

They will tell you that the work on your property is going to be a demonstration.

They provide a lifetime guarantee or an improbable long-term guarantee.

– Their business name or number is not listed in any local directories.

Any of these indicators is a sign that you are not working alongside a competent contractor. You should also be aware of similar loan scams. The same home improvement loan scams are common and can be very damaging. Unknowingly, you could end up signing a home equity loan that has incredibly high-interest rates and points. The contractor may lose interest in the project or even quit the job since they have already been paid for the loan.

How to report a bad experience

First, try to resolve the problem with your contractor if you’ve had a bad experience. Send a certified mail to the contractor after any phone conversations. Include a request for a receipt. Keep a copy of all documents. This is the paper trail that shows when your letter was received by the contractor or company. You still have options if this fails.

You may be able to report them to specific industry organizations and receive some recompense. These include the state attorney general, local consumer protection officer, local home builders association, local media’s “call to action” lines, and other dispute resolution programs in your area.