What Can Go Under The Stairs In The Basement

Space is a scarce commodity in most homes. Many people use their basements to store extra stuff. Under the stairs is a great spot for storage in a basement. Many people aren’t sure what to do with this space because of its small size and dark condition. These are some suggestions to help you reclaim this valuable open space within your home.

Create a Shelf

The best way to make use of the space below your stairs is by building a shelf. Although you might be able to buy a pre-built shelf, it is unlikely that one will fit in the space. It is best to build one from scratch. You can hire a contractor to build shelves for you if you don’t have the necessary experience. You may be able to find a friend who is skilled enough to help you build shelves, as they aren’t the most difficult of projects.

Makeshift Wine Cellar

Although it will be challenging to create a wine cellar in the space below your stairs, you can make a small cellar to store a few bottles. The ideal conditions for wine storage are found in the average basement. You won’t have to worry about guests stealing your wine bottles. For a small area, a simple rack will suffice. This can be quickly built with a few pieces of wood. Premade wine racks and temperature-controlled devices can be bought if you are serious about building a beautiful collection.

Secondary Pantry

You can turn your basement into a secondary pantry if you are running out of space in your kitchen for food storage. You can store any type of food in a small cabinet or a few boxes. You should make sure that you only place foods with a long shelf-life in your secondary pantry. It’s more likely that you will forget about what’s in your secondary pantry, so it’s not a good idea to use it for food that is expiring quickly. You can store snacks, condiments, and soda. Even better, you will have something to eat if your basement is ever used as a tornado shelter.

Fire Safe

A great place to keep a fire extinguisher is under the stairs. The basement will be more stable in the event of a house fire than it is elsewhere. The fire safe will likely do an excellent job of keeping important documents and photos safe. However, if it is destroyed by the rest of your house, it will be in the basement. Although it is something you would rather not experience, it is a scenario you should be aware of.