This "Build A Bear Bedroom Furniture" graphic has 20 dominated colors, which include White, Fugitive Flamingo, Super Silver, Genestealer Purple, Pastel Magenta, Light Petite Pink, Melon Orange, Blue Mana, Hill Lands, Embroidery, Middle Blue, Last of Lettuce, Poisonous Ice Cream, Lucid Dream, The End Is Beer, Wineberry, Ultramarine Blue, Maroon Light, Exotic Liras, Lilac Breeze. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#ffffff | rgb (255, 255, 255) | White | |
#f060a8 | rgb (240, 96, 168) | Fugitive Flamingo | |
#f0f0f0 | rgb (240, 240, 240) | Super Silver | |
#7860a8 | rgb (120, 96, 168) | Genestealer Purple | |
#f090c0 | rgb (240, 144, 192) | Pastel Magenta | |
#f0d8d8 | rgb (240, 216, 216) | Light Petite Pink | |
#f09048 | rgb (240, 144, 72) | Melon Orange | |
#60c0f0 | rgb (96, 192, 240) | Blue Mana | |
#90c048 | rgb (144, 192, 72) | Hill Lands | |
#d8c0c0 | rgb (216, 192, 192) | Embroidery | |
#78d8f0 | rgb (120, 216, 240) | Middle Blue | |
#a8d860 | rgb (168, 216, 96) | Last of Lettuce | |
#d8d830 | rgb (216, 216, 48) | Poisonous Ice Cream | |
#603090 | rgb (96, 48, 144) | Lucid Dream | |
#f0d818 | rgb (240, 216, 24) | The End Is Beer | |
#603060 | rgb (96, 48, 96) | Wineberry | |
#6078c0 | rgb (96, 120, 192) | Ultramarine Blue | |
#c03060 | rgb (192, 48, 96) | Maroon Light | |
#d81860 | rgb (216, 24, 96) | Exotic Liras | |
#a890c0 | rgb (168, 144, 192) | Lilac Breeze |