This "Boss Baby Bedroom Decor" graphic has 20 dominated colors, which include Black, Saddle Up, Rhinox Hide, Dark Chocolate, Thamar Black, La Grange, Clay Court, Swallow Blue, Rust Brown, Florida Grey, Hickory Nut, Clove Dye, Dwarf Fortress, Lyons Blue, Havasu, Evening Glow, Natrolite, Cream and Butter, Burrito, Ivory. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#000000 | rgb (0, 0, 0) | Black | |
#a89078 | rgb (168, 144, 120) | Saddle Up | |
#483030 | rgb (72, 48, 48) | Rhinox Hide | |
#604848 | rgb (96, 72, 72) | Dark Chocolate | |
#181818 | rgb (24, 24, 24) | Thamar Black | |
#787860 | rgb (120, 120, 96) | La Grange | |
#a87860 | rgb (168, 120, 96) | Clay Court | |
#184860 | rgb (24, 72, 96) | Swallow Blue | |
#903000 | rgb (144, 48, 0) | Rust Brown | |
#c0a8a8 | rgb (192, 168, 168) | Florida Grey | |
#786048 | rgb (120, 96, 72) | Hickory Nut | |
#a86030 | rgb (168, 96, 48) | Clove Dye | |
#180000 | rgb (24, 0, 0) | Dwarf Fortress | |
#006078 | rgb (0, 96, 120) | Lyons Blue | |
#007890 | rgb (0, 120, 144) | Havasu | |
#ffd890 | rgb (255, 216, 144) | Evening Glow | |
#f0c078 | rgb (240, 192, 120) | Natrolite | |
#fff0a8 | rgb (255, 240, 168) | Cream and Butter | |
#f0d8c0 | rgb (240, 216, 192) | Burrito | |
#fffff0 | rgb (255, 255, 240) | Ivory |