This "Eames Chair Replica Uk" graphic has 14 dominated colors, which include Vapour, Air of Mint, Black Cat, Silver, Steel, Thamar Black, Frontier, Tin, Blue Tapestry, Calcareous Sinter, Cardamom, Mythical Blue, Crystal Glass, Petrified Oak. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#f0ffff | rgb (240, 255, 255) | Vapour | |
#d8f0f0 | rgb (216, 240, 240) | Air of Mint | |
#303030 | rgb (48, 48, 48) | Black Cat | |
#c0c0c0 | rgb (192, 192, 192) | Silver | |
#787878 | rgb (120, 120, 120) | Steel | |
#181818 | rgb (24, 24, 24) | Thamar Black | |
#304848 | rgb (48, 72, 72) | Frontier | |
#909090 | rgb (144, 144, 144) | Tin | |
#486060 | rgb (72, 96, 96) | Blue Tapestry | |
#d8f0ff | rgb (216, 240, 255) | Calcareous Sinter | |
#a8a878 | rgb (168, 168, 120) | Cardamom | |
#90a8a8 | rgb (144, 168, 168) | Mythical Blue | |
#d8fff0 | rgb (216, 255, 240) | Crystal Glass | |
#907860 | rgb (144, 120, 96) | Petrified Oak |