
Old Kitchen Sinks with Drainboards


This "Old Kitchen Sinks with Drainboards" graphic has 19 dominated colors, which include Pioneer Village, Medlar, Namakabe Brown, Petrified Oak, Camel Hide, Swing Sage, Snowflake, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Worn Wooden, Tamarind, Dwarf Fortress, Centra, White, Streusel Cake, Foundation White, Vapour, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Lovely Euphoric Delight, Honeydew. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.

#a89078rgb (168, 144, 120)Pioneer Village
#d8d8c0rgb (216, 216, 192)Medlar
#786048rgb (120, 96, 72)Namakabe Brown
#907860rgb (144, 120, 96)Petrified Oak
#c0a890rgb (192, 168, 144)Camel Hide
#c0c0a8rgb (192, 192, 168)Swing Sage
#f0f0f0rgb (240, 240, 240)Snowflake
#483018rgb (72, 48, 24)Bavarian Sweet Mustard
#604830rgb (96, 72, 48)Worn Wooden
#301818rgb (48, 24, 24)Tamarind
#180000rgb (24, 0, 0)Dwarf Fortress
#c09048rgb (192, 144, 72)Centra
#ffffffrgb (255, 255, 255)White
#d8a860rgb (216, 168, 96)Streusel Cake
#f0f0ffrgb (240, 240, 255)Foundation White
#f0ffffrgb (240, 255, 255)Vapour
#f0c078rgb (240, 192, 120)Yellow-Rumped Warbler
#fff0ffrgb (255, 240, 255)Lovely Euphoric Delight
#f0fff0rgb (240, 255, 240)Honeydew

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